

Tuesday, 9 September 2008


So obviously I thought it would be a nice idea to blog as I travel. This is a great thing to do when possible.

- No lugging a diary around that might get lost,
- There's internet cafe's nearly everywhere,
- I can pick up new ideas and tweak as I go,
- But mostly, it's a great place to keep my memories and let people know what I'm up to.

There'll be a few test post before I'm happy with the layout and it will be going onto it's own domain name thanks to google. So keep coming back to see how it's doing, if not only to help me out with some recommendations. You could say it's in BETA.

I jotted down some ideas as to what I should be taking from a few other blogs the other day... here it is...

Pack List (v.1)

2 x T-shirts, 1 x Polo shirt, 2 x Shirts, 1 x warm jumper, 1 x rain jacket, 1 x jeans, 1 x light trousers, 2 x shorts, 2 x board shorts, underwear, socks, belt, cap, warm beenie

Thongs, 2 x Trainers

Sink plug, Money belt, Travel locks, Travel Towel, Lightweight Sleeping sheet, Passport Holder, Sunglasses & Case, Water Purification Tablets, Travel Washing line, Lonely Planet, Notepad & Pens, Sketching Pencils, Sharperner (swiss army) rubber, Money Clip, Ear Plugs, Elastic Bands, Zip Lock Bags, Diary, Bin Liners,


Toothpaste, Toothbrushes, Soap, Toilet roll, Wash cloth, Tweezers, Small Scissors, Plasters, Bandage, Gauze Pads, Safety Pins, Pain killers, Hydrocortisone cream, Vaseline, Antiseptic Cream / Wipe, Motion sickness pills, Sun screen, Razor Blades, Malaria Medication, Antiperspirant, Insect Repellent,

Phone & Charger
, iPod & Headphones, Camera (Extra Memory Card, USB Connection & Charge cable), USB, Torch, Batteries, Power point Adapters, Shaver & Charger

Wallet x 2, Student ID, International Driving permit, Certificate of Vaccinations, Passport Photos, Photocopies, Pack of cards

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Stephen Cater | Digital Supposition