

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

mitad del mundo

if you come this close you almost have to visit the equator... i didn´t expect much but it was a great first experience of what i can expect from trips in the area. after a horrible bus ride we arrived to the official center of the world... not so much... someone obviously got their bearings wrong and decided to build a massive monument there, surround it in restaurants and charge you a few bucks to get in. great what next? well right next door, a few hundred metres down a dirt track roas is the real 0´0´0, as confirmed by the us army no less. a cute little ecuadorian (i´m guessing thats the right terminology) showed us some history and then smiled as we took in some of the tricks that can happen on the magical line. see the video here as soon as i find somewhere that it doesn´t take three days to upload.


Stephen Cater | Digital Supposition